Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Leaving San Diego X

My breakfast in the hotel room was as usual...toast with spun honey; coffee with white chemicals; milk (thawed this time) and an apple. The toaster-oven still balances nicely on the bathroom sink. I did not have anything on which to set my toast until locating my old USA atlas and road map. It is a little dated (1978) but still useful. I opened to the page of Montana, our destination, on which to set my toast with honey and cinnamon. But some honey leaked through a hole in my brown, lowfat bread (40 calories per slice) creating a sticky smudge. I licked a finger and wiped it as best I could...just north of Lewistown at the intersection of Big Arrow and Dog Creek. But that is in eastern Montana and I don't plan to be driving through there, so that should be okay. The information block for Montana mentioned Grand Rapids as having one of the largest natural springs in the world with a daily outflow of 390 million gallon of water. I have this image of a breathless old man trying to get an accurate reading with a rusty, gallon bucket. My wife already knew the capital of Montana to be Helena. She said she learned them as a child from Vallo Milk chocolate marshmallow bars. Vallo Milk used to include a round, wooden disc in each package of candy with a state and its capitol. I now realize just how bad her chocolate habit must be to have consumed enough of those bars to learn every state's capitol. I mean, there had to have been repeats and repetition. Granted, there were only 48 states then, but still.....??

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